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We receive feedback both on printed forms within the Library as well as online. Here you'll find published feedback and comments.
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Ramadan stand ‘Dear Library Team, As usual, I love what you do, I appreciate you a lot! I’ve got another suggestion: to put a Ramadan stand in front of the Library desk. It will be excellent to highlight Islamic resources and/or contributions to medicine! It’ll be a great way for non-observers of the month to learn about it and observers to feel more at home. Thank you'
thank you to library staff
I just wanted to drop a note to say a massive thank you to the overnight staff working at the Robinson last night.
I found myself in a very unsafe situation last night, and as an ex-Newcastle student I knew I could take refuge in the robbo! The lovely staff on the desk let me in, let me charge my phone and call someone to come and get me, offered me some water, and generally calmed me down. I don’t know what I would have done without them! Unfortunately I didn’t catch their names, but I would be so grateful if you could pass on my sincere thanks to them for being there for me and behaving with such maturity and compassion. It makes me proud to be a Newcastle grad that I get to be part of such a lovely community even years after I have left. I would love to drop them off a gift to say thanks if possible (a bottle of something seems appropriate for undergrad students!)
Many thanks again
Walton Library
Please fix radiators in Study Room A & Clinical Skills Room.
- Library, it's really cold everywhere please let us know when heating will be back. It's really crucial we can have access to library (avoiding use because it's so cold) -
Philip Robinson Library
Please can you put the heating on. If you don't know how or who is in charge of the heating then please find out or pass this message on to the vice chancellor or the person who is in charge of the heating budget. -
Philip Robinson Library
Your vending machines, specifically S3503 are broken. I have just been charged £2.65 twice, and received no items.
It makes me wonder how often this occurs because initially I thought the machine just didn't accept money out of hours. My banking app soon corrected me and showed I had been charged twice, one each for my two attempts - but now sweets.
I would be interested to know how many times students have been cheated of their money! -
Philip Robinson Library
Theresa addressed my concerns quickly and effectively, all whilst doing so in a cheery manner, a joy to meet. Clemie was also of great help, much appreciated. -
Walton Library
Bathroom (females) is extremely bad.
1. There is no hand soap.
2. If there is soap, it's really diluted and not effective.
3. Please issue warning or supplies to clean after bathroom use, because many people are not flushing or urinate/leave bodily fluids on seats.
- Please consider issuing the warning or close bathrooms and promote using downstairs bathrooms because unfortunately students using it are not using it cleanly or correctly.
Please consider adding '24/7 Janitorial Staff' to ensure users of restrooms are using correctly and not making a mess.
-StudentsLast Updated: Feb 11, 2025 | Views: 3 -
Walton Library
Please find solution for female bathroom. Its really gross.
Experiences w, proof.
1. Users left human faces unflushed for whole day - 12pm-10pm.
2. Users left/threw used tampons and sanitary pads on the bathroom floor (used).
3. Users do not wash their hands.
4. Users do not flush tissue (and do not wait to ensure tissue/bodily excretions) to be flushed.
5. Users do not warn others if there is no tissue, lock, or working toilets leading to continuous/chronic misuse.
6. One of the stalls do not have a lock (safety issue).
Thank you.Last Updated: Feb 11, 2025 | Views: 4 -
Walton Library
I hope this letter finds you well!
Currently the radiators cheaters in study room A and Academic Clinical Skills room do not work.
It's really cold and hard to stay in the room to study. Please let us know when it can be fixed to continue our studies and engagement with library resources.
StudentsLast Updated: Feb 11, 2025 | Views: 3 -
Walton Library
Please fix radiators in Study Room A & Clinical Skills Room.
- Library, it's really cold everywhere please let us know when heating will be back. It's really crucial we can have access to library (avoiding use because it's so cold)Last Updated: Feb 11, 2025 | Views: 3 -
Philip Robinson Library I have been using the (old & then new in 1984?) library since the 1970's and now use it less frequently since I retired - but it is essential to my research into early music. The library has an invaluable and extensive collection of bound volumes that I use but also the media room is excellent with good digital microfilm readers and the incredible collection of Harvester microfilms of music manuscripts etc. I hope these all remain accessible indefinitely as it is a wonderful resource! Thank you.
Scabies Issue
Hello,I just wanted to get in touch to let you know that I believe the Philip Robinson to be a bit of a hotbed of scabies. I'm pretty certain I've contracted it twice in the past year, each time at the end of exam season after spending 2 solid weeks in the library and seeing very little of people outside of studying. I've spoken to a couple of other people since who also believe they caught it in this way and have no other explanations. Over the exam period, with thousands of students entering the building per day and a real outbreak problem in Newcastle, I think it would be wise to have regular cleaning of keyboards and mice to help tackle the issue and maybe even warning signs, as I think entering at all when it's busy could be a legitimate risk.Thank you, -
Please can we have Baskets of Blankets on each floor. Because it gets very cold after the sun goes down!
(When I went to Surrey Uni it was much appreciated). -
Study Room A - heater not working, very cold room.
After 3pm in the quiet library feels very cold. Feels like the heating is turned off.
It is January, and should be comfortable to work. It is not. -
Philip Robinson Library
I am a SCONUL student studying languages.
It makes no sense to me why the Language Resource Centre is not accessible and it was the only resources I wanted to access.
Can you explain the logic/rationale for refusing students entry to resources.Last Updated: Dec 16, 2024 | Views: 15 -
Marjorie Robinson level 2
To whomever it may concern,For the last two weeks the 2nd floor of the library has been very cold after 12pm and no matter where we sit the radiator nearby is always off. Would it please be possible to turn these on as it is December and very cold outside and it's difficult to concentrate when it's so chilly in here.Thank you, -
Walton Library
I am a technophobe and had two very longstanding mac tech issues. Henri Rigby (Library) was incredibly helpful and patient and did not make me feel as stupid as I felt! Fantastic service thanks!Last Updated: Dec 06, 2024 | Views: 8 -
HDMI-USBC cable to loan
Hey library team
Would it be possible for there to be an extra HDMI-USBC cable available for check out?
It's super useful and sadly today someone had already checked the one out just as my poor self was intending to check it out.
P.S. Love the library, the staff are all brilliant! -
Heating in Room C is uncomfortable. Makes me feel unwell - cannot study in this room. -
Cutlery provision
Provision of recyclable wooden utensils next to the microwaves, should be added, for students who are doing 'long shift' revision sessions. Whom have bought food with them and forgotten their spoons, forks, knives, chopsticks, etc.
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