thank you to library staff
I just wanted to drop a note to say a massive thank you to the overnight staff working at the Robinson last night.
I found myself in a very unsafe situation last night, and as an ex-Newcastle student I knew I could take refuge in the robbo! The lovely staff on the desk let me in, let me charge my phone and call someone to come and get me, offered me some water, and generally calmed me down. I don’t know what I would have done without them! Unfortunately I didn’t catch their names, but I would be so grateful if you could pass on my sincere thanks to them for being there for me and behaving with such maturity and compassion. It makes me proud to be a Newcastle grad that I get to be part of such a lovely community even years after I have left. I would love to drop them off a gift to say thanks if possible (a bottle of something seems appropriate for undergrad students!)