Full details of feedback
Date submitted: Feb 11, 2025     Views: 3

Walton Library
Bathroom (females) is extremely bad.
1. There is no hand soap.
2. If there is soap, it's really diluted and not effective.
3. Please issue warning or supplies to clean after bathroom use, because many people are not flushing or urinate/leave bodily fluids on seats.
- Please consider issuing the warning or close bathrooms and promote using downstairs bathrooms because unfortunately students using it are not using it cleanly or correctly.

Please consider adding '24/7 Janitorial Staff' to ensure users of restrooms are using correctly and not making a mess.


Library response by: General Office Team
Last Updated: Feb 11, 2025

Thank you for your comments about the female toilets. I can see you have a number of issues, which are causing concern. There are posters in each cubicle and on the wall clearly indicating how people should use the toilets. 

1. Please SIT on the toilet seat. 

2. Toilet paper CAN be flushed - flush toilet PROPERLY. 

3. CLEAN any mess made. 

4. Dispose of hygiene products in the specific bins provided. 

5. WASH your hands. 

6. Dispose of paper towels and rubbish in the normal bins. 


I will speak to the cleaning supervisor about the quality of the soap in the dispensers. Unfortunately, we are not able to close off the toilets unless they are broken. However, if the level of cleanliness is not acceptable, we can contact the cleaning supervisor who may be able to provide an emergency cleaner to Walton. As we are not open 24/7, Estates Services will be unable to provide janitorial staff when we are closed. 

Kind regards, 


Assistant Librarian 

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