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Date submitted: Jan 27, 2025     Views: 25

Scabies Issue

I just wanted to get in touch to let you know that I believe the Philip Robinson to be a bit of a hotbed of scabies. I'm pretty certain I've contracted it twice in the past year, each time at the end of exam season after spending 2 solid weeks in the library and seeing very little of people outside of studying. I've spoken to a couple of other people since who also believe they caught it in this way and have no other explanations. Over the exam period, with thousands of students entering the building per day and a real outbreak problem in Newcastle, I think it would be wise to have regular cleaning of keyboards and mice to help tackle the issue and maybe even warning signs, as I think entering at all when it's busy could be a legitimate risk. 
Thank you,

Library response by: General Office Team
Last Updated: Jan 30, 2025

Library Response

Thank you for your comments.

I have taken advice from our colleagues in the University’s Health and safety team and attach their comments and a factsheet from UK Health Security Agency.

Microsoft Word - Scabies Info sheet AUG 2013 (002)

The factsheet explains that scabies is passed on through direct and prolonged skin to skin contact with someone infected, and not from contact with things such as keyboards etc., and it isn’t a sign of poor hygiene or an issue with our library facilities.

Individuals who suspect they have scabies should see their GP, as that is the only way to eliminate the infection and to stop the spread.

Best wishes,

Jenny Campbell

Head of Business and Management Services

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