Full details of feedback
Date submitted: Dec 16, 2024     Views: 15

Philip Robinson Library
I am a SCONUL student studying languages.

It makes no sense to me why the Language Resource Centre is not accessible and it was the only resources I wanted to access.

Can you explain the logic/rationale for refusing students entry to resources.

Library response by: General Office Team
Last Updated: Dec 16, 2024

Library Response

Thank you for your feedback. SCONUL access allows members to access all our library buildings and consult with our resources within any of our libraries. The language resource centre is not a library facility, so we do not manage who is able to gain access. However, staff and students of Newcastle University do take priority when it comes to our resources across the whole University.

If there is anything else I can help with, please get in touch.

Best wishes, 

Rosie Smith

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