Full details of feedback
Date submitted: Dec 11, 2024     Views: 10

Marjorie Robinson level 2

To whomever it may concern,
For the last two weeks the 2nd floor of the library has been very cold after 12pm and no matter where we sit the radiator nearby is always off. Would it please be possible to turn these on as it is December and very cold outside and it's difficult to concentrate when it's so chilly in here. 
Thank you,

Library response by: General Office Team
Last Updated: Dec 11, 2024

Library Response

Thank you for getting in touch.

I am really sorry to hear that you often find the Marjorie Robinson library cold. The heating across our library sites is controlled externally by the university estates team. Unfortunately this means that there is not a thermostat that library colleagues can control, but I will pass your feedback onto the correct team so that this can be looked into. 

Best wishes, 

Lewis (He/Him)

Library Services Coordinator 

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