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Date submitted: Oct 16, 2024     Views: 4

Study space
I was wondering if I was able to use the Glenn Study space for a group study session as it is quite big and I would use a room for 10 people.

There is also a screen and whiteboard that I think would be great for group study. I was hoping to be able to book it or use it as a non-silent space. Or maybe only have Glenn as a silent study space at certain times.

Thank you.

Library response by: General Office Team
Last Updated: Oct 16, 2024

Library Response

Apologies for the delay in our response to you, and thank you for taking the time to contact us with your query via Tell Us What You Think.

Depending on how long you've been studying with us you may or may not know that, until recently, the Glen Cluster was a Teaching PC cluster and was heavily used for skills session taught by staff - particularly in the first few months of this Semester. With the changes in teaching delivery over the recent few years, this has changed and we've been reconsidering the best use of the space and the Glen is currently under-going some changes and updates at the moment. Like yourself, we think it'll make a fantastic study space (and we're really pleased you think so!). We don't have any firm dates yet, but in the interim the space is housing some current furniture deliveries. That means, at this point in time, we can't open it up for use unfortunately. As soon as we have a firmer idea of when it can be put back into use, we'll be promoting it far and wide. We look forward to hearing what you think in the future.

Best wishes,


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