Answered By: Anne Archer
Last Updated: Oct 23, 2024     Views: 1059

All Newcastle students can access electronic books, high-quality peer-reviewed journal articles, conference proceedings, eTheses and other resources off-campus by accessing them via Library search. For help on accessing content off campus, check out our 'Finding Information: eBooks and online journal articles' tutorial and our accessing resources off campus FAQ.

Other services are subject to licensing, copyright and other regulations, and accessibility will vary depending on whether you live within or outside the UK. 

Students on designated distance learning courses or on approved field work or work placements may be able to use services such as postal loans, scanning of journal articles and Inter Library Loans. If your course is not on the approved list, but you feel you should be eligible, you can fill in a request form to join the scheme.

Please note, if you are a distance learner based in the UK, you will also be able to borrow books from other libraries. Don't forget that public libraries in large cities often have good academic collections and often offer inter library loans. If you live near your National Library you may be able to consult resources there too. If you're in the UK and not sure which public libraries are in your area, your local council should be able to help you. They offer access to the Internet and IT facilities.

To find out more about your subject and the specialist resources that are available to you, you can go to your subject guide. These guides have been put together by our specialist Liaison Librarians, who have gathered the most relevant information for your studies. If you require one to one support with finding, evaluating or managing information, you can book an online, one-to-one session with the Liaison Librarians who will be more than happy to help.