How do I pay for a print job from Print Services?


Orders for printed items are mostly placed through the Print Services webstore. As you checkout, you will be given different options to make payment. 

Newcastle University staff

If you are internal to the University and requesting printing to be paid from an internal budget, you can use a cost centre number by sending through an “Internal Purchase Requisition”. This must be signed by the account holder and must contain a job name or reference to allows us to match payment to printing.

If you are using our online system, please choose “PO number” at the payment section and type your cost centre number for reference and continue to send your IPR. 

Newcastle University students and external customers

External customers and students can pay by card or cash when items are collected. You may also pay by card over the telephone by contacting Print Services on +44 (0) 191 208 5144. You will need your order number for reference.

If using our online system, please choose "Pay at Store" as you checkout. 

  • Last Updated Apr 29, 2022
  • Views 424
  • Answered By Emily Dott

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