Until your smartcard is replaced, you can use a driving licence or passport as valid exam identification.
If none of these are available, you must report the situation to Student Services Helpdesk or the Sports Centre Reception well in advance of your exam to have your ID confirmed.
Any smartcard left in an exam room is returned to the exams office in Kings Gate immediately after the exam by invigilators then taken to the Philip Robinson Library.
From Tuesday 9 July 2024 until September 2025, Student Services will operate a helpdesk for all in-person enquiries (including urgent wellbeing concerns) from Great North House (building No. 72 on the campus map - situated between the Hancock Pub and the Marjorie Robinson Library Rooms).
We would recommend that you report your missing smartcard to library staff as soon as possible. We can then prevent the card being used fraudulently.
For more advice, please see the Exams Office FAQ pages (linked below)