Answered By:
Last Updated: Dec 10, 2024     Views: 3336

Books are automatically renewed every day provided they have not been requested by other readers.

You can check the items you have on loan and when they are due back by viewing your Library account online (see 'What's new in Library Search' FAQ at bottom of page)

You can also do this  in person.

There is a  maximum loan  limit for  how long an item can be  automatically renewed depending on your membership:

  • Students / Community - 20 weeks
  • Staff - 52 weeks

When this limit is reached you have to bring the item to the library for renewal.

Books are not eligible for renewal if

  • you have outstanding overdue charges of more than £5. To pay them you should go to the Service Desk.


  • an item has been requested by another reader (a reservation request).  Please return a requested book as soon as possible to the library from which you borrowed it. Requested books returned after the due date will incur an overdue charge of £1 per day

Inter-Library Loan (ILL) items are not automatically renewable. You should bring the item back to the Library on or just before the due date so that staff can check that renewal is possible. You will be charged £1 for the renewal and no further renewal will be possible.