You can borrow a long loan item for as long as you need it unless someone else reserves it. However, after 20 weeks for students/community members and 52 weeks for staff it must be presented in person and renewed at the library.
If another customer reserves an item that you have, we will send you a notification when the item is due back and a date will display in the Due field in My Account e.g. Due: 19/09/19.
You will be given 7 days to return a requested item during term time. If you do not return it within 7 days, you will start to accrue an overdue charge of £1 per day up to a maximum of £15.00.
There are also charges for the late return of a Short Loan item - £1.00 per hour or part hour (maximum £15), or an Inter-Library Loan item - £1 per day, up to a maximum of £15 per item.
If you lose or fail to return your book, you will be invoiced for the standard replacement cost (£50 per item). However, you may buy a replacement copy of the same edition which we will accept in lieu of the lost charge.