Answered By: Percy Lion
Last Updated: Mar 25, 2023     Views: 262

Yes, you can easily browse E-Journals using BrowZine.

BrowZine is a publisher-neutral reading and discovery platform for journals. You can browse complete issues, set up a personal 'bookshelf' and receive notifications when new issues are released.

An easy way to access BrowZine is via the 'Resources & Study Support' tab on the Library homepage. Click on 'Databases, Journals and Reading Lists'

Resources & Study Support tab on the library home page


Scroll down to E-journals and click on 'Explore BrowZine'

Explore Browzine link

BrowZine is also available across multiple devices: desktop, mobile and tablet.

Link to BrowZine app on Apple Store. Link to Browzine app on Google Play.

To log in

To access BrowZine directly, navigate to If you are on campus, BrowZine will automatically link you through to the 'Browse Subjects' list.

From off campus, navigate to and select Newcastle University from the library list. You will then be asked to login using your Newcastle University Campus ID and password.

To create your Bookshelf

To create a bookshelf you will need to create a BrowZine account. You can use your Newcastle University email address or a personal one. Once you've created your account, keep your new account credentials safe as you'll need these to login to your bookshelf from other devices.