Answered By: Law Library Staff Team
Last Updated: Mar 25, 2023     Views: 355

Yes, there is limited access to the Commonwealth Law Reports online. Newcastle University Library has a subscription to Westlaw International, or Thomson Reuters Westlaw, where these are available. 

You can access these by searching for 'Westlaw International' on Library Search or via the Law Subject Guide. 

You will need your Newcastle University Campus ID and password. 

Once you have accessed Westlaw International then a simple case name search should find the case you require. You can retrieve the court copy in .pdf format from there too.

Westlaw UK search bar

Alternatively, select Australia from the Jurisdictions list. The Commonwealth Law Reports are listed and can be searched using the advanced search fields.

The Law Library holds the print edition of this law report, from volume 1 (1903) to volume 254 (2014-15).