Answered By: Law Library Staff Team
Last Updated: Mar 25, 2023     Views: 4937

BAILII is a free case law resource which should be searched directly.

Help from BAILII themselves:

Help on how to do this effectively is available here:

You can also view the short video attached to this FAQ [see Links & Files below].


Neutral Citation Example:

Looking for a case with a medium neutral citation is simple using the Browse search option, e.g. Marley v Rawlings [2014] UKSC 2, [2015] AC 129.


  • Click on 'United Kingdom' (the UK part of the citation) under the BAILII Databases heading:

Screenshot showing where to find BAILII Resources

This gives a breakdown of the resources available. 

N.B. The English Reports (available on CommonLII) are those cases primarily pre-dating 1865 which are located in hard copy in the British Law Reports room of the Law Library.

  • Click on 'United Kingdom Supreme Court' (the case citation gives UKSC as the court abbreviation):

Screenshot of BAILII Supreme Court



  • Select 2014 (the date in the citation):


Screenshot of BAILII Supreme Court 2014

  • Click on the link for Marley v Rawlings (case no. 2 in the given citation):

Screenshot of BAILII Marley v Rawlings


A printable PDF version (court copy) can be downloaded which can also be submitted as authority in a moot.

If you have any difficulty with locating a case then please contact your Law Library team.