Answered By: Anne Archer
Last Updated: Jun 29, 2023     Views: 4398

If you are using brackets regularly in your Word documents (e.g. for mathematical of scientific formulas) you may find that EndNote tries to format the content within them as references, as it understands brackets to signify in-text citations. You may be prompted by persistent messages asking you to choose a reference to add in these brackets.

If this happens, we recommend that you change the symbols (known in the program as temporary citation delimiters) which EndNote understands to signify in-text citations. To do this open EndNote and go to Edit > Preferences > Temporary Citations (a box will open as below).

Temporary citation dialog box

Change the temporary citation delimiters from curly brackets (or other brackets) to two different symbols which you are unlikely to use in your document (e.g. £ and $).

Click on Apply > OK. You should find that this stops EndNote from trying to format content in brackets incorrectly. Your in-text citations will continue to display in the brackets as dictated by your chosen referencing style as normal.