EndNote displays author names in Word documents according to the referencing style chosen. To ensure that your author names display correctly, take care when typing them in and double check names in references exported from databases. They may have been imported or inputted incorrectly.
If your author names are wrong when adding your citations in Word, you need to go back to your EndNote library and make the changes from there.
Do not try and make the changes directly in Word.
When you are in your EndNote library and editing the author field, you will usually use the ‘First Name Surname’ or ‘Surname, First Initial’ formats (e.g. Moira Bent or Bent, M.) however other rules apply for multiple authors and organisations.
Multiple authors
Multiple authors need to be entered on separate lines within the Author field in your EndNote library.
For example:
Robinson, J.
Blanchett, H.
Multiple authors on the same line will be treated as one author name and display incorrectly in Word. Separate them using the Enter/Return key.
Corporate authors, organisations and official bodies need to have a comma after them in the Author field. For example:
Newcastle United Football Club,
Without a comma, EndNote will try and display the name in the Surname, First Initial format (i.e. Club, N. U. F.).