Answered By: Louise Masson
Last Updated: Jul 01, 2023     Views: 1322

Yes, it is possible to create a new EndNote library from a Word document if the references in the document were originally inserted from EndNote. This feature will not work with plain text. It is useful if you have worked on a document using several EndNote libraries and you now wish to have a library which includes every reference you have used in your document and no others. You can easily create a separate final bibliography from such a library.

  • In Word, on the EndNote tab, click on Export to EndNote > Export Traveling Library
  • You get the option to export to an existing library or to a new EndNote library. Choose New and click OK
  • Give your new library a name and save it in a suitable location within your personal filespace (H drive)
  • You will be notified on screen that the Export is complete and your new library will show your exported references