What happens in a one-to-one appointment with an Academic Skills tutor?


In a one-to-one tutorial, we can offer guidance on many aspects of your studies, from interpreting an essay question, managing your time or reading critically, to planning structure, revising for exams or strategies for editing a final draft. One-to-one tutorials with us are a developmental activity which help you gain the study skills you need to be a successful student. We aim to help you develop your skills, so we’ll ask you to apply our guidance and discuss it with us.

Our remit is not to do the work for you, but to help you develop the understanding, strategies and techniques to develop as an independent learner.

If it’s helpful, bring some work with you. You can bring something you’re working on at the moment (at any stage) or past work with feedback. You could also bring examples of your notes, essay questions or marking criteria or examples of what you’re reading, if it’s relevant to your query. You don’t have to bring work if it’s not relevant, but be prepared to do some work in the appointment!

Our aim is to help you develop as a learner, not just to improve one assignment, so we'll encourage you to think about ways that you can use our guidance in other contexts.

  • Last Updated Dec 13, 2022
  • Views 483
  • Answered By Gemma Wain

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